Tempting Kama Sutra poses
If you want to enjoy the continuous feeling of sex for longer time period, then you must be aware of the different attractive poses of Kama Sutra. Though the origin of those poses date back a few thousand years in the Hindu mythology, but they are really innovative ones giving a lot of pleasure to the couples who practice them even today.
The sitting pose – This posture deals with doing sex in a sitting position. You let your partner sit on a comfortable chair with his legs spread and you face him on the chest with your knees split wide open. Then ask your guy to hold your butt and the thighs and you hold tight the back of the chair. It is a typical girl on top twist as you start pushing up and down.
Ask your man to sit on the bed with his legs extended in front. You sit on his legs with your legs spread apart and lower yourself up to his erected penis. Then you bend your back like an arch and be careful about your lower back. You simply put your hand between his legs and reach with your hands back to get hold of his feet. At that position, ask him to push forward and enjoy the ultimate fun.
Side by Side pose– This is a side by side position of doing sex and most couple will love doing it. Both you and your partner will lie on your sides and face the same direction. At the first stage, you will have to lower your crotch and wrap both your legs around either side of the torso. You stretch out your arms to support your weight. Ask him to encircle your waist with his legs and let him grip your upper thighs and push gently the cork inside your vagina. This is also called spoons position.
You can also improvise and make cool poses yourself.