It can be embarrassing to discuss these issues, but many women have experienced the exact same concerns, particularly after having several children. Your medical practitioner won't be surprised to hear that you've got these concerns, so it makes sense to bring up your worries at your next appointment, or make a special appointment to talk things over, as difficult as it may be, in his or her office BEFORE you are examined.
You say you are embarrassed to have sex because you feel too loose. Is this something that your partner told you, or did you come to this conclusion by squeezing, or trying to squeeze, your fingers if you put them inside of you, using the muscles of your vaginal opening? Maybe inserting a tampon clued you in? Childbirth can bring changes in a person's body and sexual response. Every now and then, accommodations, such as trying various positions, having different expectations, or using lube, need to be made. Sometimes medical assistance can be helpful. Talk with your partner, although it may be embarrassing or hard to do, about what you both notice and/or worry about. These unexpected changes are part of a person's life and it's normal to accommodate them over a person's life span or a long-term relationship.
Are you having any trouble holding your urine? Often women who have the sensation that their vagina is stretched also notice that they leak urine, especially when they laugh, sneeze, or cough.
Kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, the muscles that stretch during childbirth. They help improve sexual pleasure (more intense orgasms) by making the muscles stronger and more elastic, and they can improve bladder tone so that you don't leak urine. They won't, however, actually make your vagina smaller, but they can make the opening tighter.
Here's how to do Kegel exercises:
* When you're peeing, clench (without your hands) your muscles to stop the flow of urine for about four seconds. Then release those same muscles to let the urine flow again. These are your pelvic floor muscles; these are the muscles you'll be exercising when you do Kegels.
* If you want to check and make sure that you're using the right muscles, put a finger or two into your vagina. Tighten the muscles. If you can feel your fingers being squeezed (even just a little), then you've located the right muscles.
* About five to ten times a day, repeat the Kegels ten times per session.
* It can take up to 8 - 10 weeks to notice improvement, and there will most certainly be improvement. Like any kind of weight lifting or muscle building exercises, Kegels take time to make a difference! (Adding a vaginal barbell to your regular Kegel exercise routine can help. They are available at specialty stores that carry sex toys or sexual enhancement items.)
If you do Kegel exercises enthusiastically and regularly, and notice no change at all, ask your health care provider about other methods to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, including:
Vaginal cones These objects are weighted, tampon-sized devices that a woman puts into her vagina and holds there. A set of cones increases gradually in weight. One starts with the lightest cone, inserts it into the vagina, and squeezes the muscles to hold it in place. This is done twice a day, for about fifteen minutes per session, while going about one's usual activities. When a woman is successful at keeping the cone in place, she can move on to the next heavier cone, working her way up to the heaviest.
Electrical stimulation (called NMES or Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation) This method uses a probe in the vagina to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor with an electric current, which causes the muscles to contract and relax. Treatments are performed every one to four days and last about 20 minutes per session. Depending on the situation, one might do these treatments for a few weeks, or longer. Some health care providers perform these sessions in their offices; others prescribe home units for their patients.
NeocontrolTM This is a special chair that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor. These treatments are usually administered by a technician or nurse in a urologist's office in 20 - 30 minute sessions, twice a week, for about eight weeks.
If you have severe problems due to vaginal stretching, some health care providers will recommend surgery; this is usually a last resort. Laser procedures and more complicated ones to re-position your bladder are available. You and your provider will figure out what makes sense for you.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Pussy licking here

Two petite teens hug and cuddle with each other on the carpet. They explore and caress each other’s sensual bodies.
Written by yfp20 on Wednesday, 28 of July , 2010 at 4:09 am

Who would have thought that a day at the beach could lead to so much fun. Especially when it is with a group of girls. Sorry guys no boys allowed in this adventure.

Three girls enjoy each other in the class room after everything leaves the room. The action is hot and the girls are gorgeous. Their wet tight pussy are dripping wet as their hands explore each other’s bodies.

Lesbian beauty with killer ass gets a massage. But this is no ordinary massage. The girl giving the massage is also into girls and has a killer body herself. There is also a third cutie and she likes people jamming their fingers up her A hole. So this is no regular lesbian sex scene. This is more complicated and erotic. Its a super hot scene to be honest.
Hangs down the best lesbian site online these days is We Live Together . The site features some of the most beautiful lesbo that I have ever seen. Some of just Bi sexual or Bi curious girls who just want to taste pussy for the first time. Either way the site is constantly updatd with new pictures and videos every week. They never seem to run out of beautiful girls.
How to Eat Pussy
How to Eat Pussy
*or Everything You Need to Know About Cunnilingus But You Were Too Busy Picking the Hairs Out of YourTeeth to Ask
The vagina is a mystery to most men. It's hidden away. Taken out only for special occasions and then quickly put back into hiding. Like an english muffin, its full of nooks and crannies and tastes best slathered in melted butter.
Men have no problem telling women what they like, "Oh yeah! That's it! Oops, sorry baby. It's OK, it's protein." There is no mystery about a penis. It stands out in the open. Proud. Happy to be out in the breeze. No matter how small or unimpressive, every penis acts as if it's a Will Ferrell, the Washington Monument, or a mighty Sequoia. A penis is so simple in comparison to a vagina that I can explain everything you need to know about performing oral sex on a penis using a standard fire hydrant.
It's all good!!! |
If a woman is still unsure, she can rent an adult video. Any video.
I know what you're thinking, "I'll just rent a video and learn all about eating pussy. I don't have to read a bunch of words." Wrong. Forget for a minute that as soon as you pop the DVD into the player, your left hand will instinctually grab the remote and find the fast-forward button while your right hand locates your mule and begins the old "up and down." You can't learn how to eat a pussy from a video because of your big old head.
Here's a picture of me, eating the sweet pussy of a famous actress. Informative? Taking notes? You could watch me give Meryl several orgasms (and I did) and you wouldn't learn jack. All you'd do is waste lotion and a few million sperm. |
Even when porn movies show oral sex in close-up labia-vision-3D, they have to push the licker's head sideways to give a good view to the camera, while snapping the receiver's hip out of joint. This position is designed for good cinema, not for optimal pleasure.
Practice, Practice, Practice - Pussy Eating Exercises
One of the key differences between performing oral favors on a woman versus a man is time. With men, the better you are, the shorter your performance. With women, you're expected to be able to perform for extended periods of time. In order to develop marathoner-like endurance, there are a number of exercises that can be used to strengthen the muscles in your mouth.
What does this lesbian have that you don't? I'm not talking about the beautiful girlfriend or the impressive breasts. Look closer! |
See those bruises on her tongue? This girl has been busy. |
Exercise 1
Stick your tongue as far out of your mouth as possible, and then try to touch your nose. Eat a booger, if possible. Repeat in 3 sets of 10 reps or when boogers are clear. This exercise is fun, funny to watch, and nutritious. It also makes a great decongestant.
Exercise 2
With a loose jaw, point your tongue while simultaneously trying to keep your tongue in constant contact with the top and bottom of your mouth. You'll quickly learn that this is impossible. A Zen-like exercise designed to equip you mentally for failing again and again to satisfy your lover.
Exercise 3
Keep your tongue relaxed and open your mouth. Move your tongue in and out of your mouth, forward, and in both directions, while licking hair from her hair brush. Try to focus while clearing the hairs. Practice in five sets of twenty and build up to adding aromas and darkness to the exercise.
Here I am after only 3 weeks of working out. No more bruises and I lost 20 pounds. |
Get Licking!
Now that your tongue is in shape it's time to start licking. Lick everything you can get your tongue on and are legally allowed to touch. Be sure to invest in a big hunk of filleted salmon. I know what your saying, "Salmon is like $12 a pound, can't I use a lollypop or a nice piece of dried cod?" When it comes to training for licking labia, you can't skimp! Save the dried cod for her post-menopausal years.
Now, that's a nice piece of fish, tastefully shaped to promote interest, and garnished with parsley to simulate the texture of her 10 o'clock shadow. |
Not only does salmon have the right look and feel, after a couple of days it will smell right too. Before diving in, check your salmon for errant bones and remove any you find with a plier. Important Note: You don't have to perform this task with a real pussy.
Basic Techniques
Its time to put on some romantic music, pour some wine, grab that hunk of salmon and master the following techniques. But first, lets reaquaint ourselves with the female gentalia. I found this useful diagram at Có
¡Hay carumba! That pussy looks like its singing opera. If the pussy in front of you starts to sing you're either doing something very right or you're actually French kissing. |
Lets talk technique. Jane Austen once wrote that "a good lover’s hands never stop moving." She meant moving on the woman's body, not on your own johnson or on the remote. Constant motion is important, and if you're prone to sea sickness, focus on the horizon (or her Caesarian scar).
Five Signs She Likes You
Five Signs She Likes You (But Is Playing Hard To Get)
Following on from the previous article Five Signs She Doesn't Like You (And Will Break Your Heart) we can now look at the open gestures which are usually a good indication that she's interested in you (but is possibly playing hard to get!). These are a few of the keys to picking up women.
The Five Open Gestures
Gesture 1 - The ButterflyThe butterfly is the gesture she makes after you've made eye contact with her across a crowded room. Essentially, the eye contact is a call-to-action. You want to see some sort of reaction from her to show that she is interested or attracted to you. Playing with her hair, adjusting her clothes or jewellery, and fiddling with her straw in her drink are all butterfly reactions. If you get any of these signs, she may well be interested in you.
Gesture 2 - The Palm Reader
Exposed wrists and palms are signs of openness and sincerity which she will present to people she is interested in. Subconsciously, she is saying "If you want me, come and get me". This is very similar to The Pointer, whereby she will "point" at you with her foot or knee (when her legs are crossed).
Gesture 3 - The Leaning Tower of Love
This gesture can be seen when she leans forward towards you. Her upper body will be facing you if she's interested. In essence, she will lean forward and point at what she wants. Unlike the tower of Pisa, this gesture means she is not made of stone! (Too cheesy? Maybe..)
Gesture 4 - The Cheshire Cat
This is a bit of a no-brainer. If she smiles at you when you make eye contact, get over there immediately and strike up some conversation. She is very keen.
Gesture 5 - The Midas Touch
If she is touching you a number of times while you are talking, for example, tapping you on the arm when making a point, she is very interested. She's probably not even playing that hard to get at this point, so go in for the kill!
Obviously, there are many different gestures and signals which show her interest in you, but learning the basics now will allow you to pick up the more complicated signs easily later. Once you understand the science behind body language, the gestures mentioned in this article are common sense and can be applied to many different situations in all aspects of your life.
31 Ways To Make a Girl Smile
2. Hold her hand at any moment even if its just for a second.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her
6. don’t go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you’re done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her….let her know she’s yours and they aren’t.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say “hi”
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn’t like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she’s mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER(don’t be afraid to)
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she’ll hug it every time she goes to sleep),
jewelry (she’ll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she’ll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with
his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you’re alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the hell of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too. =)
24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means ALL the world to her.
25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don’t (it’ll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don’t care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don’t necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her wat she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the
29.DONT hug her friends or your friends that are
girls cause she’ll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time
31.If u care about her…SHOW her!(totally)
How Many of These Eighteen Types of Kissing Have You Tried?
How Many of These Eighteen Types of Kissing Have You Tried?
Here are 18 of the most tried-and-tested types of kissing that will make you her personal kissing buddy:
The kiss must be short and sweet - after all, you ARE out on the street, with people around you!
2) Suck Kissing: This is a looong kiss. You need to pucker your lips and suck gently on her lower lip to tease her or to goad her into kissing you back.
3) Nip Kissing: This is the same as Suck Kissing, but instead of sucking her lower lip, you gently nibble it.

5) Surprise Kiss: When she’s asleep or just lying with her eyes closed, quietly approach and place a gentle kiss on her lips. You might wake her up and she might kiss you back, so you’d better be ready for a just-woke-up kiss fest. ============================================================
Do this to someone you have feelings for to show her that you deeply care for her. Her lips are there for the taking but you decided to kiss her eyes. Tender gestures mean a lot to women!
9) Tickle Kiss: While French kissing, stroke your tongue across the roof of your partner's mouth to make the kiss more erotic.
Strawberry, grapes or cherries can be eaten differently...
Just place a small piece of juicy fruit between your lips and let your partner nibble the fruit until it breaks.
This is among the most sensual of all types of kissing, a sticky kiss that needs follow-up; you can either wash up or continue French kissing… I’d choose the latter ;)
14) Whispering Kiss: Whisper sweet nothings while kissing her lips. She can reciprocate by whispering or kissing back.
16) Naughty-Dog Kiss: Used on her breasts, this kiss is one of the most erotic types of kissing, perfect for stimulating her during foreplay. Allow your tongue to relax (think of a dog panting on a hot summer’s day), then starting at the base of her breast, do a large lap that finishes at the tip of her nipple with a gentle flick.
Swift, sensual, playful or passionate, all these types of kissing depend on your mood and the degree of intimacy with your partner. Kissing is a wonderful way of showing your playful and cuddly side. No two kisses are ever the same, and each one feels better than the last.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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